Chapter 4 - Catching the Worm: Page 94

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22 thoughts on “Page 94”

  1. Kaine

    Acid is one hell of a drug.

  2. Okami

    I think I just figured it out. She’s going through really missed up visions. The whole part that happened in the woods was just in her head (The monster part that is.)

  3. Neferius

    With the way things are going, she will one-day meet a young prince in exile of unbearable beauty …that everyone else seems to run away screeching in terror from. :I

  4. itblobboy

    I’ll bet this time it’s actually some kinda monster… That’d be hilarious. I mean, why else would the guard here take off the helmet? Alas, I find it unlikely something could survive with such poor anatomy due to the high frequency of infection, but they might be immune to that kinda stuff.

    Or if there is actually a plot then yeah maybe the hallucination thing sure… But that’s not nearly as fun as Ephelia getting torn to shreds by the one*well aside from the other times* time it wasn’t her imagination!

  5. Brian

    I would wear a helmet too if my head looked like that.

  6. Schplork

    “Hey! There’s a noblewomen in here!

    Hey noblegirlie!” (Removes helmet) “Look at me, I’m Cthulhu! Hahaha haaaaa! Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!”

  7. Purphoros

    She’s got a Movember moustache in panel 1! …or at least it looked like that for a second…

  8. invisible

    what i’m actually wondering about is how the hell these creatures that are after her able to gain such an armor… and now that they captured her she will need some serious help either form her book friend or from the spider that resurrected her in the first chapters of the story this girl’s life is really messed up

  9. invisible

    can I ask you where do you get these weird concepts for monsters look? is it from silent hill, amnesia, soma, resident evil, or where exactly? those creatures design is quite well done!

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