Chapter 5 - Jay: Page 123

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14 thoughts on “Page 123”

  1. invisible

    Ephelia.. sometimes it’s BETTER not to give TOO MUCH details! “gulp”

  2. SamuFinland


    I love the art style!

  3. anonymouse

    I was the only one that survived her retaliation. Now I’m stuck, hanging on a cliff XD

  4. Thorbjorn

    Ah well Lily seemed like a nice guy 😀

  5. Werdna73

    Maybe… Maybe she doesn’t actually know that Ephelia is a monster… That scraps my theory of the woman being on the same side as the eldritch monsters.

    Now the question is: does the mysterious woman suspect Lily, Ephelia, or both as being monsters in disguise?

  6. LigerLychan

    ah, i understand Ephi right now. she doesn’t know the whole/real story, so she’s feeling in the missing details with Bouquin’s “account”
    and spicing it up with her own imagination as people are known to do when telling stories. yes, surely this is how legends are born! Lily’s been fairly quiet on the subject so i speculate that he is either a witness or survivor of Ephi’s rampage, and is simply too terrified to tell her for fear of triggering the transformation or maybe at Bouquin’s request.

  7. SamuFinland

    Gotta love how there’s a Wingless ad in the Wingless website.

    It is actually just above the comment writing box.

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